Monday 16 November 2009

Fancy a cabbage with your tea towel, sir?

We had a great day out yesterday, running a [fruit and vegetable] tea towel stall at Midcentury.Modern. We weren't sure if our matching ToDryFor aprons would be a bit OTT, but now we don't really want to take them off!

We met lots of amazing people, including the wonderful Ben Javens, the delightful (and very funny) Sara Fowles, and the lovely Ruth Green.

It was so much fun chatting to people (it's very rare that we ever get to leave Tea Towel Towers) and now we get to eat cauliflower soup for the next 5 weeks! Woo hoo!

ps - our super special tea towel bunting was very kindly made for us by haberdashery queen Fliss Russell - thanks Fliss!
pps - more about our exciting new brochures tomorrow...


  1. Yeay! The stand looks amazing! Well done both of you. Now, who designed those spectacular brochures?!!


  2. I'm so sad I didn't get to see it! What an amazing stall. Wow! x

  3. it looks brilliant!! dave looks very at home in his apron, so i reckon he can make the cauliflower soup... ;-) i hope it went really well, i bet it did, since your stand looks so good! good enough to eat, even....

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