Monday 24 September 2012

Hey, we're cool! No, seriously...

So would you Adam and Eve it? ToDryFor is officially cool!

We're super-excited to have been named a CoolBrand for 2012/13. CoolBrands® is an annual initiative to identify and celebrate the UK's coolest brands; the previous year's list included Instagram, Tiger Beer, and Le Creuset.

Co-ordinated by The Centre for Brand Analysis, the prestigious CoolBrands® list, now in its eleventh year, was drawn from over 10,000 independently identified brands compiled using a wide range of sources from sector reports to blogs. These brands were then assessed for coolness (based on various factors including style, innovation, and originality) and whittled down by an expert panel and members of the British public to a final figure of 571. And we're one of them... Bonkers! We're glad they never saw my bowl haircut or Dave's teenage passport photo.

Woop! Cups of tea are on us.

To see the full list for 2012/13, visit the CoolBrands website...