Friday 22 October 2010

Yee Haw! It's a priiiiiizzzzeee giveaway...

To celebrate the opening of ToDryFor's shiny new headquarters*, we've decided to do a prize giveaway this month!

To win a fine selection of goodies from Comma, including the best oven glove in the world (see above), simply comment on this blog post, answering the following question:

What's cookin', good lookin'?

The competition closes on 31st October (at the witching hour - midnight, GMT). We'll pick our favourite comment and announce the winner on the blog on Friday 5th November.

Good Luck!

* and because we've been a bit swamped with DIY this last month, so haven't had chance to organise a blog interview (oops)


  1. Grandads haddock fishcakes

  2. pumpkin soup with crusty bread rolls.. mmm...freshly baked bread smells soo good!

  3. Carbonara with garlic bread!!!!!!!

  4. Nothing yet...I cannot possibly stand the thought of cooking without the best oven glove in the world. Wink.


  5. stem ginger and dark chocolate gooey cookies!

  6. I'm soon to be cooking up a rather awesome batch of yummy red velvet cupcakes to be washed down with some chilled prosecco... because it's my birthday soon and what better excuse is there for cake and bubbles? ;)

    Well done on the shiny new headquarters :)

  7. "Today, I'm making steaming saucy love pie" reveals Nigella while slipping into a tight fitting apron and sucking the tips of her fingers.

  8. Marrow & Date Chutney, O how my house smells of Christmas.

  9. Finger lickin' chicken, ready for pickin'

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Trying to empty my freezer so lots of scope for being creative?!

  12. Moussaka!!!
    because our last attempt was a disaster...

  13. Butternut squash and black bean soup with venison sausage and wild rice sourdough bread--a festival of fall foods!

  14. not good looking! I went for the slightly less attractive one as it had more meat on it's bones:)

  15. With an oven glove like that it would have to be a full english breakfast (bacon extra crispy, 2 eggs with runny yolks, sausage and mushrooms).I do hope there will be a matching left hand glove soon with 'MUM' tattoo's and a gold ring. Love Juliet.

  16. Well, I'm cooking up some goulash this week. I'd love to bake some rolls to go with it, but don't yet have the World's best Oven Glove! Since November 5th is my 64th birthday, I think it would be a perfect gift to give such a good-lookin' great-grandma! 8-]


  17. Cheeky chicken eggs – Betty - my backyard site supervising, wine tasting (oops), boss of everything’s free range delicious 70 gram eggs…. Yummm

  18. Cooking up some chicken and rice for the best (and cutest) lil sausage dogs this planet has to offer!!! Honey and Rocko are most appreciative of Mummy's efforts.....

    Damn those furballs eat better than I do!!!

  19. eggs in cumin-infused purgatory, to be served over jasmine rice ...

  20. Baked chocolate orange cheesecake with vanilla cream...mmm i'm hungry!

  21. Cooking is what you do to food to make it seem tastier. It can involve but is not limited to: frying, baking, broiling, steaming, burning horribly.

    Cookin' is the same as the above, but only takes place after a glass of wine or three. Usually there's lots more of the aforementioned horrible burning involved.

  22. we all love to eat, oh, it is such a treat!
    but the size of my bum (and tum!) makes me feel glum:(
    luckily hubby likes my rump to be plump
    he likes meat on my bones as much as my scones (hot from the oven of course!)
    but he's not so keen on my poetry LOL

  23. What's cooking? A delicious roast lamb dinner with roasties & cheese sauce!

    You need a substantial meal before going up to walk through the Blackpool Illuminations!

  24. Wow!! Thanks so much for all the amazing competition answers! We'll have a ponder about who should win, and will announce the lucky new owner of the world's greatest oven glove on Friday 5th November!

  25. ‌ام‌دی‌اف پلی گلاس
    در ‌ام‌دی‌اف‌های پلی گلاس، یک لایه ۷۵ میکرونی از پلی استر بر روی سطح یک طرف ورق ‌ام‌دی‌اف دو رو ملامین پرس شده است و رنگ نهایی صفحه توسط رنگ لایه ملامین که روکشی از پلی استر دارد، تعیین می‌شود و به مرور زمان نیز هیچ تغییر رنگی در

    ورق‌های ملامین و پلی گلاس ایجاد نمی‌شود.
    قیمت نئوپان خام گنبد
    مقاومت سطح این ورق‌ها در برابر خراش به اندازه‌ای بالاست که به شما اجازه می‌دهد با یک اسفنج سطوح را بدون ایجاد خراش تمیز کنید.
