Goodness! The last couple of months have been a little bit manic to say the least! Dave and I made the decision earlier this year to move our ToDryFor headquarters to a new home, and have therefore recently opened a combined office and shop space, called Comma.

We thought people might think it was a bit weird if we only sold tea towels in the shop, so we also stock gifts, homewares, cards, stationery, books, artwork, and vintage items.

We feel very honoured that the supremely-talented illustrator,
Ben Javens, painted our shop sign for us (see above), and
Gemma Correll (whose work always makes us as giddy as kippers), drew a super-cute mural on our wall (see below)...

There are lots of fun products featuring artwork by Rob Ryan, Sukie, Stuart Kolakovic, Julia Pott, Lizzy Stewart, Lisa Jones Studio, Sanna Annukka, and Yoshitomo Nara, to name but a few!

If you're ever out and about in Oxford, do please pop in and say hello!
PS - if you ever want to collect any tea towels that we stock on directly from the shop, just give us a call on 0845 652 9274 and we'll make sure we put them to one side for you!